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Data & Analytics

Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Popularity Of Domestic Destinations

In last week's travel analytics insights, I showed you how COVID-19 changed our travel planning strategies. My plan this week was to continue the narrative using the same Skyscanner flight search data and present insights about conversion rates. However, something interesting caught my eye, and I decided to leave the topic of conversion rates for the next episode. What happened? [caption id="attachment_9254" align="alignright" width="285"] Source: Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL[/caption] EUROCONTROL...

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Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Advance booking analysis

Last weekend I was enjoying a short holiday break visiting a friend in Croatia. Seeing many tourists enjoying the summer, I started to wonder how far in advance they were planning their holidays this year since COVID-19 changed our behavior in so many ways. Personally, I am more spontaneous, and I’m making on the spot decisions for (mostly) shorter trips this year. But how about others?...

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Talking about agile travel analytics and how to analyze Skyscanner air demand data with Skyscanner

COVID-19 has turned most of the things we do in the travel and airline industry upside down. Most of the processes you’ve been doing for the past ten or even twenty years are all of a sudden not relevant anymore. One of the areas where this is definitely true is how you do travel analytics and analyzing air demand. What should a new method of demand...

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Airline digital marketing in action - AirAsia digital team

What would you tell me if I asked you what is the biggest challenge of measuring airline digital marketing effectiveness? I bet some of you would offer me this famous quote from American merchant John Wanamaker: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half. Figuring out which of your digital marketing activities really work and which do not is a...

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State of airline ecommerce - key highlights

If you want to deep dive into the state of airline ecommerce, you've come to the right place. Diggintravel is your best resource for ecommerce and digital optimization benchmarks. For the third straight year, we conducted an airline survey to understand airline ecommerce maturity when it comes to various parts of digital optimization: team setup, skills, user and UX research activities, digital analytics, experimentation & A/B...

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Tips for airline personalization and experimentation from Ronny Kohavi

How are airline personalization and experimentation connected? Is machine learning the answer? Do you have the right KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your optimization, personalization and machine learning activities? I've seen so many articles and people talk about airline personalization. Almost all claim that it can't be done without data science and machine learning. On the other hand, there are not many resources that explain how you can...

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A real case study of advanced airline web analytics and data science

Always start with your airline web analytics! This is what I say to everybody when we’re discussing how to increase conversion on your website. Web analytics is the foundation of every successful conversion optimization program. If you're at the beginning of your conversion optimization journey and want to get started with your airline web analytics, I suggest you check out these two articles first: How to...

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Diggintravel 2019 Airline CRO Survey and Research, insights from best airline ecommerce experts

If you're serious about taking your airline ecommerce to the next level, then you need to master conversion optimization. Increasing conversion rate is something we all want to do, right? Here at Diggintravel, we really want to help you with that! One year ago we conducted our first-ever airline CRO research, where we surveyed 28 airlines. This year we wanted to make it even better! The Diggintravel 2019 Airline Conversion...

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How to find your conversion rate gaps with travel web analytics

It was a Sunday afternoon, and I was sitting at my computer, staring at my inbox and grinning ecstatically. I guess sometimes getting an email on the weekend is a good thing after all. I’d just received Avinash Kaushik’s latest newsletter and he was getting deep into digital analytics framework. Why was I so happy? Because he’d written about the same thing I've been trying to...

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Do you know where your travel booking funnel is leaking money?

You open your Google Analytics to check the bookings. The conversion rate is down for another week. Now panic kicks in. You're scratching your head asking yourself what the hell is happening. Where are you losing bookings? We've all been in this position at some point, right? If you are a travel ecommerce professional, understanding your travel booking funnel is probably your most important task. But to understand what's happening with...

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