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5 Key Principles of Building Modern Airline Digital Products

If you follow Diggintravel, you've heard a lot lately about experimentation and how we think it's the key to building modern airline digital products. But to be fair (even though I'm a huge fan of experimentation), it's not the only experimentation that matters. The key to building modern airline digital products is to combine experimentation with an agile, data-driven, customer-centric approach. These are the core principles we...

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Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Advance booking analysis

Last weekend I was enjoying a short holiday break visiting a friend in Croatia. Seeing many tourists enjoying the summer, I started to wonder how far in advance they were planning their holidays this year since COVID-19 changed our behavior in so many ways. Personally, I am more spontaneous, and I’m making on the spot decisions for (mostly) shorter trips this year. But how about others?...

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The Future of Airline Marketing and Digital Product Development

"It's GREAT… BUT I don't think it's the right time to invest in airline marketing education." "Looks really COOL… BUT unfortunate timing as most airlines have cut their training budget." You've probably seen that we just launched a brand new Airline Digital Retailing Academy. During the design phase, I reached out to more than 100 different airline professionals to get their feedback. I wanted to hear what airline...

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Etihad innovation lead Kai Ling Ting talks about innovation on the Diggintravel Podcast

Here at Diggintravel, we’ve been focusing on digital innovation ever since COVID-19 turned the airline industry upside down. You can probably agree that our industry needs innovation more than ever. Recently, you heard innovation authority Stefan Thomke talk about how experimentation can really boost your innovation. But today I want to show you real, practical examples of how airlines are using innovation to address current...

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Talking about agile travel analytics and how to analyze Skyscanner air demand data with Skyscanner

COVID-19 has turned most of the things we do in the travel and airline industry upside down. Most of the processes you’ve been doing for the past ten or even twenty years are all of a sudden not relevant anymore. One of the areas where this is definitely true is how you do travel analytics and analyzing air demand. What should a new method of demand...

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Airline digital marketing in action - AirAsia digital team

What would you tell me if I asked you what is the biggest challenge of measuring airline digital marketing effectiveness? I bet some of you would offer me this famous quote from American merchant John Wanamaker: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half. Figuring out which of your digital marketing activities really work and which do not is a...

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State of airline ecommerce - key highlights

If you want to deep dive into the state of airline ecommerce, you've come to the right place. Diggintravel is your best resource for ecommerce and digital optimization benchmarks. For the third straight year, we conducted an airline survey to understand airline ecommerce maturity when it comes to various parts of digital optimization: team setup, skills, user and UX research activities, digital analytics, experimentation & A/B...

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Airline technology trends 2020-2025 with Miha Kralj from Accenture

The current situation is scary. It’s making us all think! Overnight, we are all faced with the fact that nobody knows what will happen next. Will you need to downsize? If so, how much and for how long? When will your airline start to grow again? Will you need to change? If so, how much change? New features, new products, new solutions or even new business models? I'm...

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