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Building great travel digital products, Booking.com case

I was in the middle of my podcast talk with Lukas Vermeer, Director of Experimentation at Booking.com, when it hit me. We were talking about how experimentation helps you build better travel digital products when Lukas said something really powerful. Rolling out features is not the goal. Solving customer problems is the goal. And we don’t know which of the features that we’re rolling out are actually...

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Airline and airport robotics and innovation

How can airline and airport robotics help our industry adapt and change for the better? This is the question I tried to better understand about airline and airport robotics. I'm not a big expert on robotics, but when I was doing research for big-picture digital trends for our 2021 Airline Digital Trends Report, robotic and automation always popped out. Statista's Digital Economy Compass 2020 report shows that...

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2021 Airline Digital Trends report by Diggintravel

The goal of this paper is to provide you with insights into key 2021 airline digital trends that will define the airline industry in the future. What is the best way to learn what will be the key 2021 airline digital trends? Probably to ask the airline industry’s digital leaders themselves. At the beginning of January 2021, I reached out to more than 20 airline digital leaders and...

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2021 Travel Industry Outlook with Mauricio Prieto

When I was thinking about what the first article and podcast in 2021 should be, the choice was quite easy. It had to be the 2021 travel industry outlook – more specifically, a look into the future of travel distribution. Why? The first reason is that everybody is intrigued with how the future of travel distribution and retailing will look, especially in the post-pandemic world. The second reason...

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How to do airline UX research in the post-COVID-19 world

Building a great digital experience is all about understanding your users. We've been beating the drum about how agile airline UX research should be the core element of your optimization process even way before COVID-19 hit us. I've written about how Ryanair is doing airline UX research at scale and how Virgin Atlantic built their user-centric digital optimization team. However, one can argue that COVID-19 changed your users’...

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Ido Biger CDO at EL AL Israel airlines talks about data-driven airline culture

"Data is the new oil" was probably one of the most popular airline clichés before COVID-19 hit. A data-driven airline definitely sounds smart, but can a data-driven approach help with airline recovery? Boston Consulting Group (BCG), one of the world's most renowned consultancy companies, definitely thinks so. They are stressing a data-driven approach as one of the key elements of recovery in their “Post-COVID-19 Flight Plan for...

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Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Popularity Of Domestic Destinations

In last week's travel analytics insights, I showed you how COVID-19 changed our travel planning strategies. My plan this week was to continue the narrative using the same Skyscanner flight search data and present insights about conversion rates. However, something interesting caught my eye, and I decided to leave the topic of conversion rates for the next episode. What happened? [caption id="attachment_9254" align="alignright" width="285"] Source: Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL[/caption] EUROCONTROL...

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