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Conversion optimization

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It’s no secret that I have a great passion for CRO (conversion rate optimization) :) Not only because I believe CRO is key to long-term online growth, but because true conversion optimization cannot be done without customer centricity, which makes any aspect of travel marketing meaningful. This is why I’m constantly on the lookout for CRO experts that share the same passion - people who can show you...

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“Measure everything,” we always say – no matter in which industry we work. But if you’re from the travel industry, Booking.com is probably your No.1 inspiration for both travel SEO and conversion rate optimization (CRO). With more than 1000 split tests being conducted at any given moment and a 2- to 3-times higher conversion rate than their peers, Booking.com has set the bar high for all...

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Do you know where your travel booking funnel is leaking money?

You open your Google Analytics to check the bookings. The conversion rate is down for another week. Now panic kicks in. You're scratching your head asking yourself what the hell is happening. Where are you losing bookings? We've all been in this position at some point, right? If you are a travel ecommerce professional, understanding your travel booking funnel is probably your most important task. But to understand what's happening with...

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This special Airline Conversion Optimization Webinar is a part of the Airline CRO 2017 Project which focused on conversion rate optimization in the airline industry. In the webinar I used real, fresh, independent data that Diggintravel team gathered with the Airline Conversion Optimization Survey and research. A Quick Overview of the Airline Conversion Optimization Webinar Content: The webinar content is structured into three main parts: Commentary on the...

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How can airlines asses their conversion rate optimization maturity

One of the goals of our yearly Airline Conversion Optimization Survey is to evaluate conversion rate optimization (CRO) maturity within airline organizations. In order to do this, we examine several CRO maturity models and revise our Diggintravel Airline CRO Maturity Model. For the [NEW] 2019 Airline Conversion Optimization report, we expanded the maturity model with one new area. Because being data-driven and mastering analytics is such a huge part...

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First ever airline conversion optimization survey and benchmarks

We've always been fans of conversion rate optimization. And we love the airline industry. So, this project is very special for Diggintravel. Diggintravel’s Global Airline Conversion Optimization Survey is the first-ever survey and benchmark of conversion rate optimization in the airline industry. 2020 NOTE: There is a newer, bigger, better version of this research available >> See 2020 Airline Digital Optimization Yearbook here While this survey was the...

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Conversion optimisation case study based on an ailrine branded fares upsell examples

Let me start this blog post with a confession – the last six months have been a roller coaster for me. It's been a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Basically, I've been doing two jobs at the same time. On one side I was working on the content and presentations about airline ancillary revenue best practices. I was writing and creating materials about...

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#analysis and examples of shopping cart abandonment emails from 20 airlines, 10 hotels & OTAs and 10 rent-a-car businesses (see the full list of the reviewed websites at the end of the article). Why should you do shopping cart abandonment emails for your travel business? Do these emails really work? How are the travel industry leaders using shopping cart abandonment emails in practice, and what can...

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Detailed upselling and cross-selling strategy for your travel business

This is the last element of the one and only formula to increase online sales for your travel website. Increasing the average order value by mastering upselling and cross-selling is the final and ultimate puzzle in this formula. Combine successful upselling and cross-selling with the other two elements of the formula, and you will increase your online sales exponentially. In PART #1 – Customer Acquisition, we learned how...

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How to do conversion rate optimization for your travel website

There is a simple formula to grow your online sales for your travel website, and conversion rate optimization is the key element in the formula. You can check out the formula here. In PART #1 – Customer Acquisition, we covered how to generate an audience (visitors) for your travel website with your customer acquisition strategy. In this blog we will go through how you can convert your visitors into customers. Regardless...

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