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Conversion optimization

Airline Digital Talks - Remus Moraru Wizz Air

This is the first article in our new Airline Digital Talks podcast series. We're starting the new cycle of our Airline Digital Optimization Yearbook project, and during the research phase, I interacted with a lot of great digital minds from our industry. With the new series, we want to bring more exposure to the work of these airline digital professionals. How did the pandemic change their work?...

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Building great travel digital products, Booking.com case

I was in the middle of my podcast talk with Lukas Vermeer, Director of Experimentation at Booking.com, when it hit me. We were talking about how experimentation helps you build better travel digital products when Lukas said something really powerful. Rolling out features is not the goal. Solving customer problems is the goal. And we don’t know which of the features that we’re rolling out are actually...

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2021 Airline Digital Trends report by Diggintravel

The goal of this paper is to provide you with insights into key 2021 airline digital trends that will define the airline industry in the future. What is the best way to learn what will be the key 2021 airline digital trends? Probably to ask the airline industry’s digital leaders themselves. At the beginning of January 2021, I reached out to more than 20 airline digital leaders and...

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How to do airline UX research in the post-COVID-19 world

Building a great digital experience is all about understanding your users. We've been beating the drum about how agile airline UX research should be the core element of your optimization process even way before COVID-19 hit us. I've written about how Ryanair is doing airline UX research at scale and how Virgin Atlantic built their user-centric digital optimization team. However, one can argue that COVID-19 changed your users’...

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5 Key Principles of Building Modern Airline Digital Products

If you follow Diggintravel, you've heard a lot lately about experimentation and how we think it's the key to building modern airline digital products. But to be fair (even though I'm a huge fan of experimentation), it's not the only experimentation that matters. The key to building modern airline digital products is to combine experimentation with an agile, data-driven, customer-centric approach. These are the core principles we...

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The Future of Airline Marketing and Digital Product Development

"It's GREAT… BUT I don't think it's the right time to invest in airline marketing education." "Looks really COOL… BUT unfortunate timing as most airlines have cut their training budget." You've probably seen that we just launched a brand new Airline Digital Retailing Academy. During the design phase, I reached out to more than 100 different airline professionals to get their feedback. I wanted to hear what airline...

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State of airline ecommerce - key highlights

If you want to deep dive into the state of airline ecommerce, you've come to the right place. Diggintravel is your best resource for ecommerce and digital optimization benchmarks. For the third straight year, we conducted an airline survey to understand airline ecommerce maturity when it comes to various parts of digital optimization: team setup, skills, user and UX research activities, digital analytics, experimentation & A/B...

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Tips for airline personalization and experimentation from Ronny Kohavi

How are airline personalization and experimentation connected? Is machine learning the answer? Do you have the right KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your optimization, personalization and machine learning activities? I've seen so many articles and people talk about airline personalization. Almost all claim that it can't be done without data science and machine learning. On the other hand, there are not many resources that explain how you can...

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Airline innovation through Experimentation - Stefan Thomke

With the current COVID-19 situation, it's just impossible not to think of the impact it will have on the airline industry. However, one thing is clear: When demand for travel returns, airline innovation will be needed more than ever! We all will need to change how we do business: from product and strategy to capacity planning, scheduling, revenue management and marketing. While the extent of the changes might...

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Gartner's Digital Expert Tips for Conversion Optimization process

We are in the middle of our 2020 Airline Conversion Optimization research, so I can't think of a better time to talk about your conversion optimization process. While we see more and more airlines establishing conversion optimization teams and programs, there are still many of you that are not there yet. During my conversion rate optimization (CRO) research, I talk to many airline digital marketing and...

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