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Conversion optimization

Anna Potanina, Digital Expert from Google talks about airline mobile UX design and CRO

Here at Diggintravel, we talk about airline UX design and CRO (conversion rate optimization) a lot. In the past, we showed you how airlines like Virgin Airlines and Ryanair do UX research and use it to improve their user experience. However, we haven’t provided you with any special airline mobile UX design and conversion optimization tips yet. Until now. We just started our 2020 Airline Conversion Optimization...

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A real case study of advanced airline web analytics and data science

Always start with your airline web analytics! This is what I say to everybody when we’re discussing how to increase conversion on your website. Web analytics is the foundation of every successful conversion optimization program. If you're at the beginning of your conversion optimization journey and want to get started with your airline web analytics, I suggest you check out these two articles first: How to...

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Let me start with a confession. Emre has always been one of my favorite airline optimization experts. I got to know him when he was Head of Digital Product & Growth Marketing at Pegasus Airlines. So, when I heard he’d left Pegasus Airlines for Skyscanner, I was disappointed at first. He’d always been one of the best airline people to talk with about all things CRO. We’d talked...

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Diggintravel 2019 Airline CRO Survey and Research, insights from best airline ecommerce experts

If you're serious about taking your airline ecommerce to the next level, then you need to master conversion optimization. Increasing conversion rate is something we all want to do, right? Here at Diggintravel, we really want to help you with that! One year ago we conducted our first-ever airline CRO research, where we surveyed 28 airlines. This year we wanted to make it even better! The Diggintravel 2019 Airline Conversion...

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How can I help you to get exposure and support for your airline CRO program? This is the question that was on my mind when I analyzed responses from 38 airline conversion optimization professionals in our 2019 airline CRO survey (you can download the full whitepaper here). “Lack of resources.” “Limited budget.” “I am not sure if the business understands the need for this. ROI has to be clear...

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Ryanair UX Research Case Study - How UX and usability research help improve their website

Remember the times when you almost felt like Ryanair didn't want you to make a booking with them? You landed on their website and it felt like a maze that you couldn't get out of unless you bought at least five add-ons - and you almost needed sunglasses because the banner ads were flashing so brightly from all sides. Those were the times when you...

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Interview with Lee Barrett from VivaAerobus about airline ab testing

"Iztok, you have to talk to Lee." This is what I said to myself as I sat in my office thinking about the key problem of airline conversion optimization - how to scale up airline AB testing programs and run more AB tests. I was deep into the research for my Airline Digital Optimization Yearbook when I remembered Lee Barrett's (Head of Ancillary Revenue at VivaAerobus) presentation...

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Airline user testing and UX optimization should work hand in hand

This is the second part of my interview with Martyn Reding, Head of UX and Optimization at Virgin Atlantic. In this part, I talked to Martyn about how they do their airline user research and how they optimize UX by focusing on user needs. For those who missed it, in the first part Martyn explained why and how they’re building their airline UX team from scratch. He also talked...

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How to build user-centric airline UX and Optimization Team - Virgin Atlantic case study

How do you recognize an airline UX designer? He is the "cool" dude sitting behind the biggest Mac screen with his headphones on. You know the guy, right? He always looks like he really doesn't want to be disturbed. If you try to look at his screen, he acts like you're invading his intimate space. It's like asking a painter to explain his painting before it's done....

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How to find your conversion rate gaps with travel web analytics

It was a Sunday afternoon, and I was sitting at my computer, staring at my inbox and grinning ecstatically. I guess sometimes getting an email on the weekend is a good thing after all. I’d just received Avinash Kaushik’s latest newsletter and he was getting deep into digital analytics framework. Why was I so happy? Because he’d written about the same thing I've been trying to...

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