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Author: Boštjan Kožuh

Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Popularity Of Domestic Destinations

In last week's travel analytics insights, I showed you how COVID-19 changed our travel planning strategies. My plan this week was to continue the narrative using the same Skyscanner flight search data and present insights about conversion rates. However, something interesting caught my eye, and I decided to leave the topic of conversion rates for the next episode. What happened? [caption id="attachment_9254" align="alignright" width="285"] Source: Eamonn Brennan, EUROCONTROL[/caption] EUROCONTROL...

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Travel Analytics Insights Over Coffee: Advance booking analysis

Last weekend I was enjoying a short holiday break visiting a friend in Croatia. Seeing many tourists enjoying the summer, I started to wonder how far in advance they were planning their holidays this year since COVID-19 changed our behavior in so many ways. Personally, I am more spontaneous, and I’m making on the spot decisions for (mostly) shorter trips this year. But how about others?...

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Learn how to process travel data and create travel insights to support your travel business

Be agile and data-driven. You’ve probably heard this a lot lately if you’re a travel marketing professional. However, instead of becoming more agile, we are growing busier and more overwhelmed. Why are we so busy? Because we’re  constantly collecting and analyzing unprecedented amounts of data and struggling to find actionable travel insights. Data generated from bookings, passenger name records, pricing data, customer feedback surveys, website behavior and social...

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